Friday, November 13, 2009

World Kindness Day : a brand for this special day !

So, wich word can be a very expressive keyword for the World Kindness day ? "Kind" is not a good word to produce a nice brand. "K" and "D" letters are hard letters, and combined, it's sound not very sweet. We have to find an other word.
And to find this word, we have to answer to this simple question : Wich is the most kindness "concept" in the world?
Easy, it's Mum!...and Dad.
So here are the fresh brands about Mum and Dad, from The Brand Generator : Enjoy them!
If we want to have Japan style brand :  MUMOYO, KIOMUM...
Or with a "green" tast : MUMINY, OLOMUM,
Or for fun ! MUMUBA, JEEMUM, MUMEEN...

A pretty one is MUMAN : short, graphically interesting, with a combination of female and male's our choice for Mum !
From "Dad", some brands : KADAD, DADAX, DADON, OODAD, DADECO, CODAD, DADAYA, DADELA....this last one is as OLOMUM : the combining of opposite genders produces a quite interesting result. DADELA is our kindness brand of the day !

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